Thanks to the 88 people (!) who signed up as prospective mentors for the C. elegans Community Mentor Match Program for 2021. Here we announce the mentee phase of the program. For the 2021 match year, eligible mentees are postdocs or early career investigators. Please forward this to anyone you think may be interested.
Consistent with the impetus for this program, prospective mentees who are members of historically underrepresented or marginalized groups will be prioritized for mentor matches.
To be considered in the match, please fill out the survey before December 31.
The survey is designed to determine what is most important to you, the mentee, and to help the committee identify a good mentor match. Do not feel obligated to provide answers to questions that you are not comfortable providing. There is a “prefer not to say” option for many questions, as well as a specific question about the level of personal information sharing.
The last page of the survey offers the option to indicate possible mentor choices and exclusions. Postdocs are encouraged to discuss mentor options with their advisors. If you opt not to suggest potential mentors, please skip to the bottom of that page of the survey to submit your survey response. Please refer to this list of the prospective mentors and their relevant career information.
The committee has collected additional information from prospective mentors that we will use, where necessary, to find a good match. While the committee will do its best to accommodate prospective mentor choices, we will work within the limits (time commitment, number of mentees, etc.) indicated by prospective mentors.
The committee hopes to reach out to prospective mentors and confirm matches by the end of January. Once confirmed, all mentor-mentee matches will be posted on WormBase.
Please see the Mentor Match Program Description for additional details about the program including the mentor match committee members. All prospective mentors on our list have agreed to the guidelines stated on this link.
Best wishes,
Jane (for the mentor match committee)
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