WormBase Release WS263

We would like to announce the availability of the WormBase WS263 release on the WormBase website andĀ FTP.

Some of the highlights of this release are:

New Pristionchus Assembly and Gene Set

The new data made available through WormBase is described in “Single-Molecule Sequencing Reveals the Chromosome-Scale Genomic Architecture of the Nematode Model OrganismĀ Pristionchus pacificus by Christian Roedelsperger, et al. in Cell.

ID mapping was carried out to try and preserve the existing IDs. The published IDs were also incorporated into the database so that they are searchable on wormbase.org.

New PantherDB data

the PantherDB orthology set included in WormBase has been updated to the latest version (13.0).

DNAseI hypersensitive Sites

We have created 42,728 Features with a Method=DNAseI_hypersensitive_site to mark DNase hypersensitivity sites found in C. elegans ’embryo’ and ‘L1 arrest’ life-stages in non-coding regions from the paper WBPaper00053259. These sites, together with Transcription Factor footprints, will be added to the tracks available in the genome browsers.

Genome Res. 2017 Dec;27(12):2108-2119. “Genome-wide discovery of active regulatory elements and transcription factor footprints in Caenorhabditis elegans using DNase-seq.”Ā  Ho MCW, Quintero-Cadena P, Sternberg PW.


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