WormBase is excited to announce that the Author First Pass project received support from the National Library of Medicine and is now officially known as ACKnowledge (Author Curation to Knowledgebase). This change reflects our commitment to expanding artificial intelligence (AI)-enhanced community curation to capture more detailed experimental findings and to introduce our curation pipeline to additional model organism communities and their respective knowledgebases.
While busy transitioning our project and enhancing our AI methods, we also implemented further improvements to the current pipeline based on continuing valuable feedback from authors. These improvements will help authors add more information about their papers and readily find previously published papers processed by our pipeline for curation using our Author Curation Portal.
A full list of enhancements is available in the V4 Release Notes.
We could have not achieved this exciting milestone without the continuous support and participation of the wonderful C. elegans community. Please continue to contribute to this important initiative!
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