Endnote citations now available

Citations pre-formatted for import into the Endnote citation manager application are now available for the complete C. elegans literature contained in WormBase and indexed by the Textpresso project. The current list [14 MB gzip] contains almost 24,000 citations and is updated on a weekly basis. A subset of this list specific for WormBook references — along with import instructions — is available from the WormBook project.

WS160 referential site now available

The seventh referential freeze of the WormBase database and software — WS160 — is now available at ws160.wormbase.org. We invite interested users to test the site and report any problems that they encounter. We strongly encourage those conducting long term bioinformatic studies to base their analyses on these frozen releases. Raw database files are also available on the FTP site.

New release of WormBase: WS161

WormBase has been updated to the WS161 release of the database. This release includes 41,500 new ESTs from the unpublished “Exelixis Caenorhabditis elegans
EST project”. This has led to a large jump in the number of CDS structures that have a ‘confirmed’ status. WE have also added nearly 2500 strains carrying transposon-tagged genes have been entered as part of the NemaGENTAG project.