Preliminary C. remanei genome browser now available

A browsable view of the C. remanei genome is now
available. Analyses include a variety of gene model predictions, protein and EST alignments, and
nucleotide-level alignments to C. elegans and C. briggsae. These data are based on a preliminary assembly of
the genome; users are urged to treat this data in accord with its pre-release status.

New WormBook chapters available

Recent additions to WormBook include: Introduction to genetics and
genomics, Basement membranes, Introduction to the germ line, Germline proliferation and its control,
Introduction to signal transduction, TGF-beta signaling, GABA, Introduction to nematode evolution and ecology,
Nematode genome evolution, and Interactions with microbial pathogens.

2006 European Worm Meeting web site now available

The web site for the European Worm Meeting 2006 is online at
Organizer: Nektarios Tavernarakis (Greece).
Organizing Committee: Christian Eckmann (Germany), Monica Gotta (Switzerland), Neil Hopper (UK), Fritz Muller
(Switzerland), Stephen Nurrish (UK) Francesca Palladino (France), Jerome Reboul (France), Peter Swoboda