Dear LabHeads,
Please share this information for postdoc and early career faculty prospective MENTEES so we can reach all interested community members. The request form will close DECEMBER 19.
The Mentor Match initiative started in 2020 as a means to foster diversity, equity and inclusion in the C. elegans research community. Mentoring within the larger C. elegans community, in contrast to intra-institutional mentoring, provides an opportunity for mentees to gain from the collective experience of the community. The community already does this on an ad hoc basis, but a more open and accessible mentoring program is needed, especially for people who are members of underrepresented groups in our community.
If you are a C. elegans postdoc or early career faculty member who would like to be matched with a mentor in the field, please fill the survey request form here. The MENTEE request form will close DECEMBER 19.
The survey request form includes a link to a list of prospective MENTORS and relevant information about their experience. Many thanks to the 56 prospective mentors who are available for the 2022 match!
For general information and logistics regarding the C. elegans Community Mentor Match Program, see this page (please ignore scheduling items on that page, if they are out of date)
With best wishes,
The C. elegans community mentor match committee for 2022
Yamuna Krishnan says
Dear Ranjana
How May my lab be included to mentor ECRs and post docs?
Ranjana Kishore says
Hi Yamuna–please look at the links to the different forms in our blog post or directly contact Dr. Jane Hubbard.