Announcing the Mentor-Mentee matches for 2022

With gratitude to all those who agreed to be mentors, and with thanks to the C. elegans Community Mentor Match program committee, we announce this yearā€™s mentor-mentee matches. 

Read more about theĀ program rollout.Ā 

Hereā€™s a complete list of all 2022 matches.

To those of you who offered to mentor but were not selected for a match this year, undoubtedly there will be opportunities in the future!! In the meantime, please stay tuned for these and other opportunities to serve the community. 

For those mentors and mentees who did match, the committee will contact you later in the year to see how it is going. We will also solicit additional feedback to improve the program for the future. 

Best wishes,Ā 

Jane Hubbard and Meera Sundaram (2021-22 co-chairs)

3D structures for all proteins

AlphaFold is an AI system, created in partnership between DeepMind and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), that makes predictions of a proteinā€™s structure from its amino-acid sequence. Go to their webpage to look at your favourite protein from C. elegans, Brugia, Onchocerca, Strongyloides, Trichuris or Wuchereria. If your favourite protein is missing, remember that any protein with >90% amino acid similarity is quite likely to have a very similar structure. And if you spot any structure that does not look right contact, and we’ll forward your feedback.

Thank you to Mark Edgley who is retiring!

Mark Edgley has been a huge supporter of the CGC and worm community for decades. He single handedly moved the collection from MO to MN in liquid nitrogen tanks carefully nestled in the back of a rented Uhaul, and in the time since has had a hand in generating many thousands of strains for the community.Ā  Today he retires. WormBase joins the CGC and others in thanking him for his tireless service.

Please send him a note of thanks and spread the word to your labs and colleagues to do the same.  His, and Don Moeman’s, retirements are a big loss for the community.