C. elegans meetings at the TAGC 2019

The C. elegans community is having sessions at The Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC), April 22-26, 2020 in Washington DC, organized by Martha Soto and Mike Boxem. Note that the abstract and early registration deadline is December 5. The C. elegans relevant page of the TAGC is here.

Join the CGC Team at the University of Minnesota!

Love worms and want to serve your community? Join the CGC and be instrumental in distributing C. elegans to the worldwide research community.  After 27 years of dedication to fulfilling our C. elegans needs, Theresa Stiernagle is retiring. The CGC seeks a replacement with significant worm experience (picking, scoring phenotypes, familiarity with interpreting genotypes, etc.), extreme attention to detail, and the ability to work efficiently and independently. An official job posting will be forthcoming, but in the meantime, inquiries can be made at cgc@umn.edu.

Call for Proposals for Undiagnosed Disease Network Gene Function Studies

The Call for Proposals for Undiagnosed Disease Network Gene Function Studies has been posted on the UDN website: https://undiagnosed.hms.harvard.edu/research/funding-opportunities/
Researchers outside of the United State can apply.