Check out the new chapter in WormBook, GENETICS: ‘Caenorhabditis elegans Gastrulation: A Model for Understanding How Cells Polarize, Change Shape, and Journey Toward the Center of an Embryo‘ by Bob Goldstein and Jeremy Nance.
Check out the new chapter in WormBook, GENETICS
Check out the latest chapter in WormBook, GENETICS: Developmental Plasticity and Cellular Reprogramming in Caenorhabditis elegans, by Joel Rothman and Sophie Jarriault.
New chapter in WormBook, GENETICS
Check out the latest new chapter in WormBook, GENETICS: TOR Signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans Development, Metabolism and Aging, by T. Keith Blackwell, Aileen K. Sewell, Ziyun Wu and Min Han.
New Chapter in WormBook, GENETICS
Check out the latest chapter in WormBook, GENETICS: Males, Outcrossing, and Sexual Selection in Caenorhabditis Nematodes by Asher D. Cutter, Levi T. Morran and Patrick C. Phillips.
New chapter in WormBook (GENETICS): The Caenorhabditis elegans Transgenic Toolbox
Check out this useful chapter ‘The Caenorhabditis elegans Transgenic Toolbox‘ by Jeremy Nance and Christian Frøkjær-Jensen in the latest issue of WormBook, GENETICS.