Contacting WormBase

Have a question, a suggestion, or want to tell us about missing data?  Use the red button, ‘Questions, Feedback & Help’, that appears on the bottom of every WormBase page, and send your feedback from the page your on!  Questions, comments, etc., submitted by Users, are assigned a ticket number and appear on our issue tracker, at the Github web-hosting service for projects, which you can view and follow too.   We will also be present at the upcoming C. elegans International Meeting at UCLA, Los Angeles, at the end of the month.  Look for the WormBase booth, talks, posters, workshops and other WormBase activities. We hope to see you there!

WS237 released

It has become necessary for us to modify the structure of the “releases” branch FTP site. The reason for this is that we are now required to represent potentially multiple alternative reference genomes sequences for a single nematode species (e.g. Ascaris suum).

In many cases, these references will originate from different strains, but that may not always be the case. We have therefore chosen to differentiate between alternative reference genomes for a single species by including the NCBI BioProject accession ( in the directory path and files names. Alternative genome sequencing efforts for the same species will each be assigned their own unique NCBI BioProject accession.