Register for the UK Worm Meeting 2023!

The upcoming UK Worm Meeting is hosted at the University of East Anglia on 13th January 2023. This one-day event will bring together researchers working with C. elegans or researchers working with other nematodes who use shared resources, technologies and expertise. The event will cover a variety of topics including ageing, developmental biology and gene regulation.

The abstract submission deadline is 9th December 2022. Please send your abstracts directly to after completing your registration. When submitting your abstract, please indicate if you want to be considered for a short talk, poster presentation or both.


-2023 UK Worm Meeting Organizers

Register for the 2022 European Worm Meeting

Dear friends and colleagues,

The European Worm Meeting will once again take place in person this summer, July 27-30 2022 in Vienna. See our poster for our line-up of exciting invited speakers. To register and submit your abstract please visit the meeting website:

Our deadlines are as follows:
Meeting registration: 31 May
Abstract submission: 1 June (for consideration for a talk)/ 1 July (poster only)

Please note that this meeting will follow on directly from CeNeuro 2022 at the same venue. 

We hope to see many of you there, so please spread the news to anyone who might be interested.

Many thanks & best wishes,

The EWM2022 organizing team:
Alex Dammermann
Mario de Bono
Verena Jantsch

May 20: One-day symposium celebrating Don Moerman’s career and retirement!

To the International Worm Community –

We are pleased to announce that we will hold a one-day symposium on May 20th, 2022, 8:50 am-5:40 pm (PDT), celebrating Dr. Don Moerman’s retirement. 

Don has made an enormous contribution to the C. elegans research community by leading a knock-out consortium, Million Mutation Project, among other things.

We have a spectacular list of invited speakers who have a long-term scientific relationship with Don. 

The symposium is a hybrid event held at the Life Sciences Institute, University of British Columbia. 

Please join us online via the following live streaming link.

We will take Q&A from the live-streaming audience using A code will be announced at the event.

(Please be reminded that we may not be able to take questions from Slido due to time constraints.)

We are looking forward to seeing you all!


Kota Mizumoto and Kenji Sugioka
Life Sciences Institute, University of British Columbia

Abstract submission is now open for C. elegans Development Meeting

Abstract submission is now open for the 2022 C. elegans Development, Cell Biology, and Gene Expression meeting.

Meeting information: August 11-14, Madison WI
Deadline: May 27 for abstracts to be selected for talks 