NHGRI has updated the data release plan [DOC, PDF] for the ENCODE (Encyclopedia of DNA elements) and model organism ENCODE (modENCODE) Projects, which are designed to identify all functional elements in the genomes of human (ENCODE), and Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans (modENCODE).
NHGRI has designated both ENCODE and modENCODE as “community resource projects.” Accordingly, the data release plan is based on the principles set forth in the Fort Lauderdale agreement [PDF]. This update provides more specificity to the data release guidelines.
The Fort Lauderdale agreement noted that the success and utility of community resource projects is based on mutual and independent responsibilities for the production and use of the resource by the resource producers, the resource users, and the funding agencies. The update of the ENCODE/modENCODE data release plan has been developed in consultation with the members of the ENCODE and modENCODE Consortia, and with the External Consultants Panel for the projects. As the plan is intended to take into account the needs and responsibilities of the resource users, we would like to offer the research community an opportunity to provide feedback on the proposal before the plan is finalized. Comments on the plan should be sent to Encode@mail.nih.gov by Wednesday, October 15, 2008.
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