We would like to enlist your help in ensuring that WormBase continues to exist and is successful. You can do this by explicitly acknowledging WormBase in each of your papers when you have used it in the planning, design, execution, analysis, or reporting of the research described.
This simple task will help us make the case to administrators at NIH and others for the utility of WormBase. You can do this in two ways:
1. Include in your acknowledgments, a statement thanking WormBase, ‘We thank WormBase’. To save characters, it can be included in a list: ‘We thank XYZ for reagents, ABC for comments and WormBase’. If this is a problem, just mention the particular WormBase release (WSnnn) in the text. When you use these methods, the acknowledgements of WormBase are amenable to searching and reporting.
2. As a reviewer or editor, you could check that WormBase is acknowledged, if appropriate.
Thanks for your help!
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