SPELL (Serial Pattern of Expression Levels Locator) is a display and clustering tool for large scale gene expression data, including microarray, tiling array and RNAseq. The software is developed and maintained by Matt Hibbs from the Jackson Laboratory. SPELL can now search for worm microarray and RNAseq data.
The current functionalities of SPELL include:
1. Checking expression levels of individual genes in each dataset
2. Searching for other genes with similar expression profiles
3. Identifying biological processes related to the query genes
4. Users can download individual datasets
SPELL users can enter a list of genes that are expected to have similar expression profiles. SPELL checks the correlation of these genes in each dataset. The dataset with the highest correlation will get the most weight. If users provide only one gene, all datasets will get the same weight. Based on the weight of each dataset, SPELL will identify other genes with similar expression profiles, and display biological process gene ontology terms that are enriched in the results. SPELL provides gene-centric microarray and RNAseq data that are mapped to the current WormBase release. WormSPELL226, released on July 29th, contains 3 RNAseq datasets and 112 microarray datasets, including 1726 microarray experiments and 58 RNAseq analyses.
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