We are establishing a European support network for junior C. elegans group leaders. GENIE aims to: (1) promote knowledge and people exchange across European young worm groups; (2) enhance Europe-wide collaborations and short-term mobility; (3) raise the profile and exposure of young European worm groups. To realise these aims we will create a network website and mailing list, organise an annual meeting and make a variety of small travel, exchange and seminar grants available.
BUT first we need to hear from YOU (to get feedback/ideas on what you would like to see on the final website and to coordinate funding applications).
If you are a junior nematode group leader in Europe please visit our temporary signup page at www.worm-genie.eu to leave your details and you will hear from us in the very near future.
GENIE Coordinators: Sophie Jarriault (sophie@igbmc.fr), Peter Meister (peter.meister@izb.unibe.ch) and Richard Poole (r.poole@ucl.ac.uk)
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