Important Dates for the 22nd International C. elegans Conference

The abstract submission deadline for the 22nd International C. elegans Conference is March 28th!

The conference will be held June 20-24, 2019 at UCLA.

For more information visit the conference website.

Abstract Submission
Deadline: March 28
Submit an abstract

Discounted early registration: April 30
Discounted advance registration: May 1 – June 17
Register for the conference

Housing Reservations
Deadline: May 15
Make a housing reservation

Sir John Sulston

We mourn the passing of one of the founders of our field. John Sulston was personally responsible for establishing the use of C. elegans to study development – with his stunning determination of the entire embryonic cell lineage by direct observation – as well as obtaining a complete genome sequence. He was a mentor and role model for many of us in the field who had the opportunity to work with him or know him personally, and an inspiration for many others who only knew him through papers and oral history. He demonstrated that comprehensive and careful description can lead to fundamental, mechanistic insights into biology and genomes. John also exemplified being collegial, community-minded, intellectually rigorous, scientifically intense and personally friendly.

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Publish summer student’s results quickly and easily in Micropublication:Biology!

Are your summer student’s projects coming to an end? Did they obtain a solid research finding that does not fit into a larger narrative context? Micropublish their results in Micropublication:biology. Give the students citable credit for their work. Give mentors credit for their effort.

Need additional information? Contact us at, we will guide you through the process. It’s fast and easy.

Type of Micropublications include: New finding – including new reagents; Negative result; Replication – successful; Replication – unsuccessful; Commodity validation.