Thanks to all our community curators for their contributions to the ACKnowledge project! The new top 10 list is available on WormBase, check it out!
New chapter about dendrite morphogenesis in WormBook, GENETICS
Check out the new chapter–Dendrite morphogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans by Maxwell Heiman and Hannes Bulow in WormBook, GENETICS.
GENETICS issue about Knowledgebases and Databases
Learn about the latest updates to the Alliance of Genome Resources and WormBase status and migration plans in papers published in the May issue of GENETICS!
Check out the new Alliance release!
The new 7.1.0 version of the Alliance of Genome Resources (Alliance) was recently released. You can find harmonized data related to your favorite model organism together with other model organism data. Find details about this release here. We’d love to hear from you, so send us your comments and suggestions.
New Alliance release available
Check out the new Alliance release 7.0.0. To learn more about this release please see the release notes.
If you don’t already know about the Alliance of Genome Resources (Alliance), it is a consortium of 7 model organism databases (MODs) and the Gene Ontology (GO) Consortium whose goal is to provide an integrated view of their data to all biologists, clinicians and other interested parties. You can look at harmonized C. elegans data such as disease model annotations in the context of other species. You can find ortholog data easily right on a gene page. Note that we are in the process of transitioning data types from WormBase to the Alliance and building data displays for these data, so not all WormBase data is available at the Alliance yet.