C. elegans community at the GSA Allied Genetics Conference

We are excited to work with the Genetics Society of America to bring the worm community into the Allied Genetics Meeting and would like to announce that abstract submission is open. This will be a great opportunity for us to come together in C. elegans sessions to hear the latest on cell biology, small RNAs, aging, neurobiology, and all of our other favorite topics. We have some great keynote speakers, worm games, and lots of talks from the abstracts, and the best poster prize winners will get registration/domestic travel to the C. elegans appropriate topic meeting. Also, check out this link for info on undergraduate travel awards (open through Nov. 8, 2024), onsite childcare options, and grants for childcare/dependent attendance.

Keynote speakers include:
Oded Rechavi, Tel Aviv Univ
Sui Sylvia Lee, Cornell Univ
Swathi Arur, MD Anderson
David Fay, Univ of Wyoming
Geraldine Seydoux, Johns Hopkins Univ

The intersectional nature of this conference also means we can see what’s going on with the other model systems in shared sessions. Also, we all know the worm community has the best sense of humor! David Fay (@WyomingWormBoy) will lead a comedy show for the entire community. Hope to see you there!

–The Organizing committee: David Katz, Michelle Mondoux, Erin Cram, Aakanksha Singhvi, Amy Walker

WormBase, Alliance named Global Core Biodata Resources

We are happy and proud to announce that WormBase and the Alliance of Genome Resources (Alliance) have been listed as “biodata resources that are of fundamental importance to the wider biological and life sciences community and the long term preservation of biological data” by the Global Biodata Coalition (GBC). Congratulations to all and thanks to our users who continue to support us!

Two new species join the Alliance of Genome Resources!

Check out the latest new release (5.3.0) of the Alliance of Genome Resources (Alliance) which includes two new species–Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropocalis and data refreshes for many data types. The Alliance features standardized and harmonized views for data such as disease models, Gene Ontology (GO), orthology, genetic interactions and many more, for a total of 9 species including C. elegans, human and the two new frog species. Learn more about this release via the 5.3.0 Release Notes.

The clones are back

Good news for those of you using the C. elegans libraries held at Wellcome Sanger Institute – they have just restarted distribution of the C. elegans clone libraries they hold. The webpage is currently under development, so please email bioresource@sanger.ac.uk directly with your requests.