Textpresso searches now available on WormBase pages

Textpresso is a powerful full text search engine for several biomedical literatures. Textpresso searches are now available on many types of pages in WormBase such as gene pages, variation/allele pages, molecule/chemical pages, etc., in the References widget. Note that you should have the ‘References’ widget open (by clicking on it) from the side bar on a gene, allele, or molecule page. Click on the ‘Textpresso’ link in ‘Find references identified by Textpresso’ at the bottom of the references to trigger a search for that entity by the Textpresso search engine. For example, clicking this link in the ‘References’ widget on the lin-10 page will trigger a full text search by the Textpresso search engine for lin-10 in the C. elegans literature and return a page displaying the search results.

New and Improved Author First Pass Pipeline!

Community curation is a valuable part of WormBase. For the past ten years, C. elegans researchers have participated in our ‘Author First Pass’ pipeline using a web-based form to alert WormBase curators to entities and data types in their newly published papers.

We are very excited to announce a new and improved ‘Author First Pass’ pipeline that uses the Textpresso Central text mining system to automatically extract entities and identify data types in new C. elegans papers.

As before, corresponding authors will receive an email (Help WormBase curate your paper!) shortly after publication of their paper with a link to the new form.

But now, instead of having to enter all information de novo, authors simply need to verify the results and, if need be, modify them using simple check boxes and autocomplete menus of WormBase entities.

Links from the ‘Author First Pass’ form to select data entry forms allow for more detailed community curation, if desired.

We look forward to your participation and welcome any feedback you might have on your user experience!

Many thanks to Hannes Buelow, Simon Harvey, Hang Lu, Judith Kimble, Dayong M Wang, and Kunitoshi Yamanaka for helping to test our new form!

New SPELL server: Fresh look and faster

Please note that we have moved the WormBase SPELL tool to a new server on the Amazon Cloud: https://spell.wormbase.org.  This should not affect any of our users, as the ‘Tools’ link on the main WormBase menu bar will take you to this new URL.
SPELL (Serial Pattern of Expression Levels Locator) is a query-driven search engine for microarray, RNAseq and Proteomics data. Given a small set of query genes, SPELL identifies which datasets are most informative for these genes, then within those datasets, additional genes are identified with expression profiles most similar to the query set. WormBase SPELL has collected over 6,000 experiments for 9 nematode species. Users can also download these datasets for their own analysis. See WormBase SPELL Tutorial: http://wiki.wormbase.org/index.php/SPELL
The new WormBase SPELL server is twice as fast as the old version. Please give it a try and let us know what you think!