Thanks to all our community curators for their contributions to the ACKnowledge project! The new top 10 list is available on WormBase, check it out!
New top 10 community list for ACKnowledge data
Thanks to all our community curators for their contributions to the ACKnowledge project! The new top 10 list is available on WormBase, check it out!
New top 10 community curators list for ACKnowledge data
Thanks to all our community curators for their contributions to the ACKnowledge project! The new top 10 list is available on WormBase, check it out!
Three more days to contribute to WB community curation to WIN PRIZES at the IWM in Glasgow!
You have 3 more days to make it to the top 10! Submit your data now, the deadline for submission is June 10th, 2023. The top submitter (Paul Sternberg, excluded!) will win a voucher for a microPublication ($250 value!). Additional prizes will be awarded at the WormBase booth. Access the submission forms here.
Contribute to WB community curation to win prizes at IWM 2023
Are you attending the 24th International C. elegans Conference in Glasgow? Did you know that top WormBase community curators will get a special thank you from WormBase? Now you know! And you are still on time to make it to the top 10 and win a prize. You can contribute either by completing the ACKnowledge community curation form or by submitting phenotype data to WormBase. The first prize will win a voucher for a microPublication ($250 value!). Additional prizes will be awarded at the WormBase booth. Deadline for submission is June 10th, 2023. Not attending the meeting? No worries, you can still participate and win prizes! To access the submission forms go here. Stay tuned as we update the standings!