Necator americanus

The new WS243 release will include the genome of the New World Hookworm Necator americanus. The genome assembly and geneset has been provided by Makedonka Mietreva’s group at the Washington University of St.Louis.

The genome itself and further analysis has been published as:
Genome of the human hookworm Necator americanus.
Tang YT, Gao X, Rosa BA, Abubucker S, Hallsworth-Pepin K, Martin J, Tyagi R, Heizer E, Zhang X, Bhonagiri-Palsikar V, Minx P, Warren WC, Wang Q, Zhan B, Hotez PJ, Sternberg PW, Dougall A, Gaze ST, Mulvenna J, Sotillo J, Ranganathan S, Rabelo EM, Wilson RK, Felgner PL, Bethony J, Hawdon JM, Gasser RB, Loukas A, Mitreva M. Nat Genet. 2014 Jan 19. doi: 10.1038/ng.2875

Paper of Interest: Pristionchus population studies

we would like to point out: Characterization of genetic diversity in the nematode Pristionchus pacifi cus from population-scale resequencing data from Christian Rodelsperger, published in Genetics.

It describes the natural populations of Pristionchus spp. based on sequencing of 104 strains of Pristionchus pacificus and its close relative Pristionchus exspectatus.