We just finished bundling the latest Amazon EC2 AMI of WormBase for WS229. This AMI includes an updated genome browser, several new species, and of course all the databases and software necessary to run your own instance of WormBase. Search for WormBase on EC2 or for the AMI ID: ami-e9994980.
Great work 🙂
… sadly it doesn’t appear yet in the AWS search.
Michael – you’re right – it doesn’t show up on the aws page search, but I just tried to create an instance in the console, and it did show up in the list that pops up.
Todd – this is terrific. I think all these major tools/pipelines/databases should have amazon instances! Just curious – are the contents of the AMI documented anywhere?
Thanks, Sujai! Hope you find it useful. Definitely easier and faster than downloading and installing everything.
I haven’t yet documented the full contents but the AMi is pretty full featured. If there is something specific you’d like to do, let me know.