Dear WormBase and Worm Community Forum Users —
As previously discussed, the Worm Community Forum is moving.
Today, along with the Alliance of Genome Resources, we are pleased to introduce a new online discussion forum, the Alliance Community Forum.
In keeping with the spirit of the Alliance of Genome Resources, we’ve chosen to organize topics by organism and not by Model Organism Database. Rest assured that it’s easy to only follow specific areas that you may be interested in. Worm related discussions, for example, can be found here, subdivided in a variety of topics. You can choose a variety of notifications for topics of interest.
The Alliance Community Forum represents the first place for discussions across six model organism communities — flies, mice, yeast, rats, worms, and zebrafish (from the participating MODs of FlyBase, MGI, SGD, RGD, WormBase, ZFIN, respectively).
We hope that this Forum provides an opportunity for stimulating discussions, finding new collaborations, raising awareness about techniques from other fields, as well as providing a convenient place for posting notes of interest to the broader community of biomedical researchers (meeting details, job postings, funding announcements, etc).
If you are an existing member of the Worm Community Forum
We have migrated most existing accounts. Please reclaim your account on the Alliance Community Forum by requesting a password reset on the new forum. You will be sent a link to reset your password. If you have trouble logging in, please contact
Note that due to a technical issue, if you created an account in the last several months, you will need to create a new account in the Alliance Community Forum.
If you are not an existing member of the Worm Community Forum
You can log in with a new account on the forum, or a Google or Github account if you so choose.
Preserving the Worm Community Forum history
We have migrated [b]most[/b] posts from the nearly 20 year history of the forum. Some posts could not be migrated, nor have posts created in the last few months. Feel free to recreate these topics in the new forum.
Interested in working as a moderator on the Alliance Community Forum?
Please contact
Migration Timeline
July 6, 2021: New registrations disabled on the Worm Community Forum.
July 9, 2021: The “Discussion” panel of the WormBase home page will start displaying entries from the Alliance Community Forum; posting on the Worm Community Forum will be disabled.
August 30, 2021: The Worm Community Forum will be retired.
Please either post here, on the new forum, or email either the WormBase ( or the Alliance ( Help Desks.
Technical Details
The Alliance Community Forum is using Discourse, a widely used and full-featured online discussion platform.
User guide and FAQ on using Discourse